Wednesday 22 June 2011

Beta Testing


Was it easy to understand how to use the banner?
Yes it is simple to understand

Did you find the banner enticing?
yes because of the start button animation

Did you want to play it again?

Was the banner an appropriate size?


Was it easy to understand how to use the banner?

Did you find the banner enticing?

Did you want to play it again?

Was the banner an appropriate size?
could of done with being a little taller


Was it easy to understand how to use the banner?
Yes, the banner gave instructions on how to interact within it.

Did you find the banner enticing?
I’ve seen the game style before many times, but the graphics were attractive.

Did you want to play it again?
Not really

Was the banner an appropriate size?
The banner’s size was appropriate for the game that was made within it.

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