Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Effective website banners

Above is a good example of how a web banner can be very effective. This banner for thetrainline.com has bright attracting colours which draw in the users eye. The best feature about having this ad on the front page of YouTube is that if the user dose not wish to view the ad they can simply click the cross to hide it, therefore preventing the user for becoming frustrated by moving animations.

The Pringle interactive ad is by far the most amusing in its content. The user clicks on  the banner repeatedly and in response messages pop up. The good thing about this ad is that it takes an extremely long time for the user to cycle through all of the messages, which for a web site banner is a very good achievement.

Once again this is effective as it keeps the user on the ad for much longer than the average viewing time. A bad point that I would pick up would be the clarity of the branding in the left hand corner. Although the user will be on the ad longer than usual, it would be easy for them to disregard the branding and click off the web page. 

This ad by Mini is effective at conveying the information about the car, however I find it frustrating how once you have cycled through the Mini's mods you cannot scrub back to see the previous version. From an interactive point of view I think that if the feature was enabled then viewing it would be a much more enjoyable experience. 

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