Wednesday 18 May 2011

Score counter in Flash

The idea of this experiment was to create a function, witch when the object was clicked, would add 1 to the score.

The ActionScript used was as follows:

//Tell the counter to start from 0

var score:Number =0

//Shows "Score 0" on stage prior to the object being clicked
scoreText.text="Score  "+String(score)

square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

//adds +1 to the variable 

//To the text box on the stage increases to value without changing the the word "Score"
scoreText.text="Score  "+String(score)

//tested whether the function was working

The text box on the stage was set to "Classic text" and "Dynamic text" so that the AS was able to change the value within it.

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